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Facebook Shut Down Artificial Intelligence (AL) System Due To Bots Create Own Language | Tech News

Facebook Shut Down Artificial Intelligence (AL) System Due To Bots Create Own Language And Humans Can't Understand This Language.

In the recent light of the events at Facebook, the company has developed an AI that can communicate in its own language. The Company is claiming that their Software was able to invent a language all by itself and communicate to other computers as the language is not understood by the humans it has raised questions among the Researchers.

In June, researchers from the Facebook AI Research Lab (FAIR) found that while they were busy trying to improve chatbots, the "dialogue agents" were creating their own language. Soon, the bots began to deviate from the scripted norms and started communicating in an entirely new language which they created without human input, media reports said.

Others like Tesla's Elon Musk, philanthropist Bill Gates, and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak have also expressed their concerns about where the AI technology was heading.

Mark Zuckerberg vs Elon Musk

The controversy over the future threat posed by artificial intelligence led a few days ago to face Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, the man behind Tesla and Space X. While Musk warns that if he is not careful in the development of artificial intelligence may in the future pose a danger to the human being, Zuckerberg rebuked him that there was nothing to fear and that the fears were a delay to progress.

“I have a pretty sharp opinion on this,” Zuckerberg said during a live broadcast. “I am optimistic. I think you can build things to make a better world. But, in addition, I am especially optimistic as far as artificial intelligence is concerned.” later he added, “and I believe that there are those who are pessimistic and try to give hype to all these apocalyptic scenarios. I just do not get it”.
Given these statements, Elon Musk decided to intervene and address the visible face of Facebook, what then tweeted “I talked to Mark about this. Their understanding on the subject is limited."

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